Energie-Control Austria

Welcome to the Centralised European Registry for Energy Market Participant.

<p>The Regulation on Wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency (REMIT)&nbsp;was adopted in the European Union (EU) in 2011.&nbsp;Under Article&nbsp;9 REMIT, all <strong>market participants that conclude reportable transactions of wholesale energy products must also register with their national regulatory authority (NRA)</strong>. This is the national regulator in the EU member state where they are established or reside. For market participants that are not established and do not reside in any EU country, it is the regulator of the member state where they are mostly active. <strong>A market participant may register only with one NRA</strong>.</p> <p>After closing the national registration system (NRS) the administration of the REMIT registration at E-Control was fully transferred to the <strong>Centralised European Register for Energy Market Participants (CEREMP)</strong>.&nbsp;Even though registration is now handled through CEREMP, E-Control's REMIT team remains in charge of checking and clearing all registration information. For more details on the obligation to register and the full registration process, please consult <strong>E-Control's website</strong>:</p> <p><a href="https://www.e-control.at/en/remit/remit-registrierung">https://www.e-control.at/en/remit/remit-registrierung</a></p> <p>For any further queries please contact <strong>E-Control's registration support</strong>:</p> <p>Mail:&nbsp;<a href="mailto:remit-registrierung@e-control.at">remit-registrierung@e-control.at</a></p> <p>Phone:&nbsp;+43-1-24 7 24-766</p>

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